The North West Chapter of
Widows Sons in Great Britain

The President of the North West Chapter of the WidowsSons of Great Britain is WBro. Ian Hunter

The Widows Sons is made up mostly of freemasons. But we understand that freemasonry may not be suitable for everyone. If you would like to ride with the Widows Sons for a while and consider whether freemasonry may be good idea... why not apply to be an Associate Member? There's no obligation and you never know... it might change your life.

Brother, are you a biker? Then a warm and fraternal greeting to you! For the brethren who have never heard of the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association (WSMBA), we are a group of Freemasons within Great Britain that have a passion for riding motorcycles and hold with the idea of universal brotherhood and charity.
The WSMBA was formed in 2004 and has since grown to 42 established Chapters, and over 1,000 members located all around the country with more chapters in the process of being formed.
Each chapter is recognised by UGLE and the Provincial Grand Lodge of each chapter. We are the only recognised Widows Sons Association in the UK.

A great-grandmother from Wigan has proved you are never too old to get back on a bike as she celebrated her 90th birthday with a ride on the back of a Harley-Davidson with the north-west chapter of the Widow Sons Masonic Bikers Association.
Young George is the son of a Widows Sons Member, Dan. He has a rare heart condition known as Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. George's dad and other members recently scaled the "Three Peaks" and raised £2485 to Alder Hey.
George Kenny

Our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews was invested as an Honorary Member of The Widows Sons by our President Ian Hunter. He follows in the footsteps of his predecessor RW Brother Tony Harrison.
Honorary Member

The Secretary of The North West Chapter of The Widows Sons of Great Britain is WBro. Geoff Gill. Brother Geoff practices his masonry in several different countries and loves to buy a pint for every new mason he meets... apparently.
Our Secretary